(+34) 952 25 07 15 info@eltxocodeluissalinero.com

About us

El Txoco is made up of a team of professionals who are passionate about their work and who pay attention to detail in order to always provide the best possible service.

El Txoco is a big family consisting of many more members than those who are featured in this section. This project is only possible and grows day by day thanks to the effort and work of every one of them.

Equipo de El Txoco de Luis Salinero

The team

Luis Salinero

Luis Salinero

The chef

Luis Salinero is one of the most outstanding chefs at present. He was described, at the age of only 23, as the best chef in Castilla y León by Ferrán Adrià .
María Teresa Blanco

María Teresa Blanco


María Teresa Blanco was born in Pozoblanco, a village in Córdoba situated in the heart of El Valle de los Pedroches. She has a degree in Veterinary Science and Food Technology, and a master’s degree in Hospitality Business Administration and Management. She has worked in many different projects all over the country.

Founder and driving force of El Txoco, María Teresa is, alongside Luis, responsible for ensuring that every single detail is perfect and that guests have an unforgettable dining experience.

Melinda Harmos

Melinda Harmos


Born in Hungary, she graduated in Human Resources and later studied Business Administration and Management, specialising in hotel and restaurant management and protocols.

She has worked in several projects in Spain and for the last few years she has been part of El Txoco, running the dining room and specialising in wines and spirits.

Carlos J. Rodríguez

Carlos J. Rodríguez


Degree in Journalism from the University of Malaga. THe has been working with us since 2016 as Head of Communications and Media Relations.

With a long professional career spanning over more than 20 years, he has written articles in newspapers such as Diario Sur, El Mundo or El País; has been a weekly radio contributor on Cadena Ser for the last 5 years and has worked in press offices of private companies and public institutions. He is also the founder and director of the children and family entertainment website La Diversiva.

Don’t wait any longer

Make your reservation


Wednesday to Saturday

12–10.30 pm

Sunday to Tuesday

12 –4 pm
7 – 10:30 pm

Call us

(+34) 952 25 07 15
(+34) 616 64 16 15

Visit us

Paseo Javier López, Plaza Marina Banús, Bloque 2 Local 3. Puerto Banús 29660, Marbella (Málaga)

Email us


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